About Us

We are the Green Innovation

We are a leading Brazilian company in research and development for personal mobility. Our main vocation is focused on the management of technological innovation focused on personal mobility products. For this, we have a multidisciplinary team qualified.


We are a leading Brazilian company in research & development for personal mobility. Our main vocation is focused on the management of technological innovation focused on personal mobility products. For this, we have a qualified multidisciplinary team.


Divinità has become a reference and object of desire all over the world, thanks to all its exclusive requirements. This also provided the Chair Diva, participation in Global Novelas, clips and videos with thousands of views on various social networks.

How we like to do our business:

We at Green Innovation consider that the realization of our interests is based on strict compliance with the highest standards of ethical conduct. Therefore, our daily concerns with efficiency or economic growth cannot be dissociated from ethical and responsible conduct. As such, we assume a conscious behavior in all the relationships we build and these values ​​have a positive impact on our daily work and on our future promises, as well as on our customers, suppliers, product and environment. If you share these principles, please contact us.


Offer the best business opportunities, make dreams come true and contribute to people’s self-esteem through innovative products and services. Always in a sustainable, positive and responsible way.

cadeira de rodas para viagem



Count on the experience of our expert consultants, making an assertive choice.


We have a multidisciplinary team developing innovation in personal mobility.


Count on the service of people with experience and ability to meet their needs.


Divinità is a wheelchair modulated through optional with adjustments to different measures and needs.


Divinità has very low maintenance, has technical assistance throughout Brazil.

Be a Partner



Learn about great financing options through some of the most renowned institutions in the market with interest starting at 0.41%. It can be done on your behalf or on behalf of third parties too, for you to live without limits!

It can be done on your behalf or on behalf of third parties too, for you to live without limits!


R. Anselmo Borba, 622 – São João do Sul, SC


+55 11 4200-1455



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